Sunday, February 1, 2009

On The Road...

We have spent many hours on the road together this past week! I thought I better get a few pictures so we don't forget all of the fun we have had! Now if you ask Alex how much fun he has had....even though he can't talk let I am sure he would be happy to give you his opinion of youth camp tour!! :)

Troy has been faithful to keep us on the right road with "Mabel" our trusty GPS system that is on his cell phone

I spent most of my time on the computer getting everything printed for the services! How did we do it before lap tops and air cards?!

Lauren....texting and listening to her MP3 Player.

Luke....just relaxing!

The Three Muskateers in the back row!

Mr "not so happy traveler" Alex
We ended up getting to spend the weekend here at the Snodgrasses since there was still
3-4 inches of solid ice on the church parking lot and we were not able to have services there today. The other problem is we still can't get to our house since our driveway is a steep hill down to our house and is also covered in the same amount of ice. We are hoping it will be melted enough tomorrow for us to be able to get in! Thanks Snodgrass family for letting us stay and have a blast with you all! I'll try to post some pics of the weekend tonight or tomorrow!