Monday, August 4, 2008

The Sankeys Visit

What an awesome time we had finally getting to meet the Sankey Family! Melodie and I have been emailing each other for some time and we had set up a time for them to come and have a service with us here in Cape. They arrived on Thursday evening and our kids immediately became friends! It was so much fun getting to know them all!! We are already planning a trip to visit them in Mexico where they are missionaries. We had a great service on Thursday evening and enjoyed hearing all about their work. We then went home for supper and stayed up until 2am visiting. They had to leave on Friday morning so the visit was much to short...hopefully next time we will have more time! Thanks Sankey family for coming to Cape!

Melodie and Marc

The Truitt's, Sankeys, and Josh and Ben Boardman

Cameron, Luke, and Alex

Jenn and Melodie
2 Miracles!! Andrea and Logan ~ Many prayers have been prayed for these two!

Marc and Troy....they are so much alike it is scary!:)

What a fun time together!


sankey family said...

Jenn, as I said on my blog, it was our privilege to be able to come and share with you all and your church and we thank you for everything you did for us while we were there! It was a joy to meet you all and I'm sure our friendship will be a long and lasting one!
Melodie and family

Holdens said...

Can you believed how blessed we were to have the Sankey's for our Pastor for 13 years. They were great!